New Brunswick Right to Life is holding a Focus on Life Summit on Saturday, May 6, 2023 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Join us as we hear from and are encouraged by prominent pro-life Canadian speakers who will present on the humanity of the pre-born; the intrinsic value of every human life; euthanasia and assisted suicide.
This event is free of charge and lunch is included. If you would like to attend, please pre-register below as seating is limited. If you cannot attend, but would still like to support this event, you can
- Donate on this website or
- Call the office at 1 (506) 459-8990 or
- Mail cheques to New Brunswick Right to Life, PO Box 113, Station A, Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y2
Out-of-town attendees requiring accommodations on May 5, 2023 can stay at the Fredericton Inn for a reduced rate if booking before April 20, 2023 (based on availability). Please call the NBRL office for more information.
Thank you for supporting this day of information and education!