
Saint John

115 Villa Madonna Rd. Rothesay NB E2H 2X4

506 653 6828

WHAT’S WRONG WITH MAID? CMDA presentations in Fredericton on Oct.6; Saint John on Oct.7; Moncton on Oct.9

By Events, Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John

Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada’s Executive Director, Larry Worthen, will be making three stops in New Brunswick beginning Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend one of these informative and timely presentations
Everyone is encouraged to attend so please ask your friends and family to join you.
• Fredericton: Sunday, October 6th at 7:00 pm – Monsignor Boyd Family Centre (120 Regent St)
• Saint John: Monday, October 7th at 7:00 pm – St. François de Sales Parish (77 Ragged Point Rd)
• Moncton: Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm – Holy Family Parish Hall (52 Falkland St)

The Littlest Life Lost

By Saint John

In Honour of the Littlest Life Lost, Baby Beaton:

23rd Victim of the Tragedy in Nova Scotia, April 18th & 19th, 2020

The Saint John Chapter held its AGM in June and the recent Nova Scotia tragedy was discussed, with the reality that there were 23 victims – a fact most media did not recognize.  The tiniest victim was the unborn baby of Nick and Kristen Beaton (Baby Beaton’s life was taken along with mom’s). It was decided that the Chapter would make a financial gift of $100, along with additional donations from Chapter members, in memory of Kristen and her unborn baby. On July 28th, Owen Boyle and Helen LeBlanc from the Saint John Chapter, had the honour to drive to Portapique, Nova Scotia, to meet with several people from the community.  They left the cheque for $520, along with a Paw Patrol Fire Truck, with Clair P., a resident and business owner in the area, who delivered them to Nick Beaton and his toddler son Dax.  

While Helen and Owen were unable to meet Nick personally, they had a very moving conversation with him on the phone. He was incredibly grateful for the support and said his son Dax would really enjoy the gift because he loves both Paw Patrol and fire trucks. Helen and Owen were both moved by how peaceful and beautiful the area was, despite the senseless tragedy that had occurred there.  They offered prayers of healing for this deeply wounded place; for the 23 victims, their families and the community. Thank you to all who supported this initiative to recognize the Littlest Life Lost, and to be a Spark of Life to the family and community.  The Saint John Chapter also had a Memorial Plaque made to honour the lives of mom and Baby Beaton; it will be delivered to Mr. Beaton and his family later this year.

Saint John: UNPLANNED Movie Nights

By Chapter Events, Saint John

Showings of the movie UNPLANNED will take place in the Diocesan Boardroom of 1 Bayard Drive, Saint John on April 2 and April 9, 2022 beginning at 8:00 pm. If you would like to view this movie based on a true story via ZOOM rather than in-person, please email for the link.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH MAID? CMDA presentations in Fredericton on Oct.6; Saint John on Oct.7; Moncton on Oct.9

By Events, Fredericton, Moncton, Saint John

Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada’s Executive Director, Larry Worthen, will be making three stops in New Brunswick beginning Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend one of these informative and timely presentations
Everyone is encouraged to attend so please ask your friends and family to join you.
• Fredericton: Sunday, October 6th at 7:00 pm – Monsignor Boyd Family Centre (120 Regent St)
• Saint John: Monday, October 7th at 7:00 pm – St. François de Sales Parish (77 Ragged Point Rd)
• Moncton: Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm – Holy Family Parish Hall (52 Falkland St)

The Tragic Situation of MAiD in Canada

By Featured

Presentation re: The Tragic Situation of MAiD in Canada.  November 23rd 2023, 7:00 – 8:00 pm, doors open 6:15. Refreshments to follow.

Attend in person at St Mark’s Catholic Church on the Pettingill Road, have a group zoom viewing at your location or join us from home. See zoom link registration below.

Our speaker:

Sister Nuala Kenny, OC, MD, FRCPS(C)
Physician/ Bioethicist, Emeritus Professor, Dalhousie University

Feel free to share this information and registration link with interested people.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 23, 2023 07:00 PM Halifax

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Fredericton Chapter Events

By Chapter Events, Fredericton

Monthly Chapter Meetings

The Fredericton Chapter of New Brunswick Right to Life meets regularly on the first Monday of each month. Everyone is welcome to join us at 1:30 pm at Brunswick Street Baptist Church, 161 York Street, Fredericton. For further information, please email Ewart Kenney at


Medical Abortion and Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)

By Featured

Medical abortions accounted for 63 % of abortions in New Brunswick in 2019 (1). Medical abortions are not surgical abortions. A medical abortion requires the pregnant woman to take two different medicines; conveniently available in Canada as a combo-pack called Mifegymiso. Much has changed in the five short years that Mifegymiso has been available in Canada.  A woman is now able to take both medicines in the combo-pack at home. All she needs is a prescription for Mifegymiso from a health care provider and she can get the pills at a pharmacy (2). If she has a NB Medicare card, the medicine is free of charge (3). The Government of Canada now says women no longer need an ultrasound to determine the age of the baby nor to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy (4). Medical abortions are now approved in Canada for babies who are up to 63 days old. Because of Covid, when there was concern that access to timely abortion could be difficult to obtain, medical abortion was approved off-label by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC) for 11-week-old fetuses (77 days since LMP)  (5),(6).

7 weeks, 4 days (53 Days) embryo Age reference to fertilization, not last menstrual period (LMP)

Label Key:

1. pigmentation within the retina of the right eye

2. external portion of right ear

3. mouth

4. outline of ribs

5. umbilical vein within umbilical cord

6. umbilical arteries

7. loops of bowel in base of umbilical cord (a normal event called physiologic herniation)

8. right ankle

9. right knee

The first pill to use in the Mifegymiso package is Mifepristone, which blocks progesterone receptors. Progesterone is essential for pregnancy and the baby cannot survive for long without it. The second medicine the woman takes is Misoprostol. It’s in a package containing 4 tablets taken 24-48 hours after taking the first drug. It’s the same medication that some women are given to encourage contractions during labour and delivery (7); but Misoprostol is used at a much higher dose (800 mcg) than during delivery as the body is not naturally ready to contract and expel the baby at this time. Sometimes not all the contents of the uterus will be expelled, and the women will still need more medication, an ultrasound, blood work, or a surgical abortion (8).

Since abortion is a choice in Canada, what if after the woman takes the first pill she realizes that she made the wrong choice? What if she decides she doesn’t want to end her baby’s life?  What if she realizes she made a mistake? Is it too late?

Since the first pill, Mifepristone, blocks the body’s ability to use progesterone effectively, extra progesterone administered throughout the first trimester is needed to reverse the effects of Mifepristone (9). This is known as Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). The doctor-prescribed progesterone is natural and almost identical to the progesterone made in a woman’s body. Supplemental progesterone has been used for over 50 years to support pregnant women. It has been used to help women at risk of miscarriage; those who are undergoing IVF; and it’s been used to stop pre-term labor. There is no record of birth defects caused by progesterone. (10).

In Abortion Pill Reversal (APR), “the medical provider will prescribe bioidentical progesterone to outnumber and outcompete the mifepristone in order to reverse the effects of the mifepristone. An ultrasound is performed as soon as possible to confirm heart rate, placement, and dating of the pregnancy. The progesterone treatment will usually continue through the first trimester of pregnancy in an attempt to reverse the effects of the mifepristone.” (11) The woman must take extra progesterone as soon as possible (less than 72 hours) after taking Mifepristone and she must not have taken Misoprostol. If a woman follows the protocol, she has about a 65-68 % chance of reversing the effects of Mifepristone and saving her pre-born baby(9).

Although APR is criticized by the SOGC (12) and Planned Parenthood (13) it should be common sense that progesterone is the antidote to the abortion pill Mifepristone.

Anyone who needs Abortion Pill Reversal can call the 24/7 Helpline: [updated Nov. 14, 2023] 1- 888 – 612 – 3960  The helpline will connect the caller with one of the medical professionals who can guide the woman towards reversing the effects of the abortion pill. Chat is also available 24/7 on the website:















PRESS RELEASE: There is No Lack of Access: Abortion by the Numbers

By News, Press Release

New Brunswick Right to Life’s research confirms that the abortion numbers do not substantiate the claim that there is a lack of abortion access in the province.

The data show that abortions increased after the two doctor rule was eliminated and three hospitals were designated in 2015.

In addition, in 2017, when Medicare coverage of Mifegymiso (abortion pill) began, the total number of abortions increased again.

In 2018, nearly 50% of abortions were by using Mifegymiso. In 2019, 63% of women chose Mifegymiso rather than surgical abortion.

The research is clear:

  1. abortion numbers continue to rise
  2. most women are now choosing Mifegymiso rather than surgical abortions
  3. demand for surgical abortions is decreasing
  4. there is no need to expand Medicare coverage of surgical abortion services

Full details and research citations can be found at

Contact Person:
Heather Hughes, Executive Director

50 Years of Legal Abortion

By Get Informed, News, Video

Canada legalised abortion 50 years ago. That is 50 years too many.

Video Notes

“Abortion Rights: Significant Moments in Canadian History | CBC News.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 27 Mar. 2017,

Dunsmuir, Mollie. “Abortion: Constitutional and Legal Development.” Abortion: Constitutional and Legal Developments (89-10E),

“The History of Abortion in Canada (Position Paper #60).” History of Abortion in Canada, Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada – Coalition Pour Le Droit à L’avortement Au Canada, Mar. 2017,

“Induced Abortions Reported in Canada in 2017.” CIHI, 25 Jan. 2019,

Johnston, Wm. Robert. “Historical Abortion Statistics, Canada.” Historical Abortion Statistics, Canada, 17 Aug. 2019,

“Number of Births in Canada 2019.” Statista, 29 Oct. 2019,

“Statistics – Abortion in Canada .” Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada – Coalition Pour Le Droit à L’avortement Au Canada, 30 Jan. 2019,

Statistics Canada. “Canada at a Glance 2018 Population.” Population – Canada at a Glance, 2018, 27 Mar. 2018,

Supreme Court of Canada. “R. v. Morgentaler.” R. v. Morgentaler (Supreme Court Judgement), Supreme Court of Canada, 3 Dec. 2012,

“Jack Layton and Henry Morgentaller” by rabbleradio ( is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Image was cropped. Incorrect spelling of Morgentaler is from the original source.

There Is No Lack of Access: Abortion by the Numbers

By Get Informed, Infographic, News

You might have heard that there is a lack of access to abortion in New Brunswick. But this is what the numbers actually say…



Canadian Institute for Health Information. Induced Abortions Reported in Canada in 2018 (Updated). Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2020.

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada. Statistics – Abortions in Canada (Updated March 27, 2020) 

Statistics Canada. 2017. New Brunswick [Province] and Canada [Country] (table). Census Profile. 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Ottawa. Released November 29, 2017. (accessed August 28, 2020).

“Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex” Statistics Canada. Table 17-10-0005-01 Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex. Last modified December 2019.

“Eliminating Barriers to Reproductive Health”. Government of New Brunswick: February 1, 2019

“Abortions down, terminated pregnancies up since Mifegymiso introduced”. CBC News: February 1, 2018

“New Brunswick Medicare Decision Support System information Regarding Mifegymiso prescriptions and surgical abortions”. Received through a Right to Information and Protection Privacy Act request. April 22, 2020.

“Menopause – A Change of Life”.  MediResource Inc:

“Abortions may not be offered at all hospitals, Gallant says”. CBC News: Jan 08, 2015.

“N.B. group fights for medicare coverage of abortions at clinics”. CTV News: November 24, 2016

“Update: Trudeau, Higgs, seek carbon tax compromise in friendly meeting”. Telegraph- Journal. December 17, 2019.

Is New Brunswick Violating the Canada Health Act?

By Get Informed, News, Video

We’ve all heard the claims that New Brunswick is violating the Canada Health Act because Medicare does not pay for surgical abortions at Clinic 554 (abortion clinic in Fredericton). But what does the Canada Health Act say? What is its purpose and is New Brunswick really violating the law by only paying for abortions in designated hospitals?

In this video, Executive Director, Heather Hughes, discusses this and more with Dr. Tom Bateman, Chair and Professor of Political Science.

Expired: Call to Action: Bill C-7

By Call to Action, Get Informed, News
Bill C-7 is back in the House of Commons

Bill C-7, a bill to expand euthanasia and assisted suicide eligibility in Canada, has been sent back to the House of Commons.

The time is NOW to contact the Members of Parliament to let them know what you think.

For more information on Bill C-7 from our recently aired Pro-Life Summit, see below.

At the bottom of the page you will also find a link to the emails of the Members of Parliament. 

Resources from  Heather Hughes

Bill C-7 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)

Bill C-7:  How each Member of Parliament voted at second reading:

Cost Estimate for Bill C-7 Medical Assistance in Dying (Parliamentary Budget Office)

Cost analysis of medical assistance in dying in Canada (published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal)

See how your Member of Parliament voted on Bill C-7

Is New Brunswick Violating the Canada Health Act?

Abortion Access Infographic

Saint John: Bottles for Life

By Saint John

To respond to the need for donations, the Saint John Chapter of New Brunswick Right to Life has decided to start a bottle drive called Bottles for Life.

To participate,  you can contact the Chapter at to arrange for a volunteer to pick up the bottles or you can drop your bottles  off at the Golden Mile Redemption Center (35 Linton Rd) and let them know you are participating in the NBRL Bottles for Life campaign